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iocipher / .gitlab-ci.yml @ master

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# Date Author Comment
fd2bc5cf 01/18/2017 10:28 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

gitlab-ci: install Debian's libqt5widgets5 for emulator64-x86 is provided by the Android SDK, but it is failing to
find it:

emulator64-x86: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory...
5b8db2bd 01/18/2017 09:59 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

gitlab-ci: force accept android-sdk-preview-license for android-25

c0dd644a 01/18/2017 09:59 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

gitlab-ci: add tests on emulators for platforms 16 and 25

I tried for the life of me to get it running on android-10 emulators,
but they always just crash at the start of running the tests.

d30fab0c 01/17/2017 10:30 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

set up gitlab-ci