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Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Due date
8496BugNewHighset_value don't updates values size if it shorter than exiting 10/21/2017 07:57 pm
8336BugNewHighImplicit declaration of function 'sqlfs_xxx_yyyy' is invalid in C9906/22/2017 06:14 am
8279BugNewNormalsicarie05/10/2017 05:47 pm
8223BugNewNormalStorageManager.mountStorage fails with IOCipherStandalone:0.403/28/2017 04:18 pm
7815FeatureNewNormalIOCipher for Android N08/01/2016 07:18 pm
7205BugNewHighIOCipher Performance04/30/2016 10:43 am
6905BugNewNormalFile and folder timestamp negative numbers04/24/2016 06:54 pm
6857TaskNewNormalHow i could unmount container with stopping its threads?07/07/2016 06:47 pm
5182BugNewHighIOCipher database size limit?05/20/2015 04:35 am
4799FeatureNewNormaluse UNIX sockets to provide regular path to MediaRecorder and MediaPlayer03/25/2015 02:46 am
4782BugNewNormalv3.2 detachThread crashhans03/25/2015 01:56 pm
4776TaskNewNormalchange mount/unmount metaphor to attach/detach03/23/2015 07:07 pm
4538BugNewNormalHow to play audio file Which are record by MediaRecord and Audio Record03/23/2015 06:02 pm
4402BugIn ProgressNormalSomething seems to close the stream to early in the IOCipher examplen8fr803/23/2015 05:57 pm
4034BugNewHighVFS.unmount() Endless loop02/25/2015 09:20 am
3783TaskNewNormalrun clirr in jenkins to check for API/ABI compatibilitiy09/18/2014 03:58 pm
3706BugNewNormalcreate IOCipher version of FileProvider03/23/2015 06:02 pm
3624BugNewNormal4GB limit per file08/07/2014 09:10 pm
3623BugNewNormallibsqlfs memory leak02/25/2015 09:20 am
3174BugNewHighExpose password changing API in Java03/23/2015 06:03 pm
2939FeatureNewHighStreamFile class for easy stream read/write with IOCipher02/25/2015 09:20 am
1729FeatureNewNormalmake example for seekable http:// stream fed to MediaPlayer02/25/2015 09:20 am
1716BugResolvedNormallibsqlfs: uninitialized warnings when building with ndk10/05/2014 09:02 am
1659TaskNewNormaldocument libsqlfs API for C programs08/22/2014 08:38 pm
1657TaskNewNormalexplore making iocipher.FileDescriptor subclass of 07:41 pm
1656TaskNewNormalmerge, and into FuseBridge.java07/29/2013 07:40 pm
1608FeatureNewNormalmake IOCipher version of 06:02 pm
1430FeatureNewNormalinvestigate improved performance possbility by doing more in native02/19/2015 12:42 pm
569FeatureNewNormalImplement statvfs in Os.java03/24/2014 09:26 pm
568FeatureNewNormalDecide whether to implement File.deleteOnExit03/24/2014 09:26 pm
567TaskNewNormalTest whether we're leaking memory in IOCipherFileTransfer.transferto03/24/2014 09:26 pm
566FeatureNewNormalimplement readUTF in RandomAccessFile03/24/2014 09:26 pm
565TaskNewNormalDo writeup about performance comparisons02/25/2015 09:20 am
564FeatureNewNormalFinish implementation of sqlfs_proc_statfs03/24/2014 09:26 pm
557BugNewLowIOCipher writes all perms as uid+gid 0 in the sqlfs container08/07/2014 06:37 pm
555BugNewNormalSQLite WAL grows without bound when sqlfs under heavy load03/24/2014 09:26 pm
554FeatureNewLowdoes get_sqlfs() need to be called each time?03/24/2014 09:26 pm
525FeatureNewLowhandle SQLITE_FULL, SQLITE_IOERR, SQLITE_NOMEM throughout libsqlfs03/24/2014 09:26 pm
522BugIn ProgressLowensure sqlfs_t_init never returns 0 in busy situations03/24/2014 09:26 pm
264FeatureNewLowlibsqlfs: check to make sure PATH_MAX is always smaller than SQLite's max key size03/24/2014 09:26 pm
241FeatureNewLowadd Emma coverage support for the JUnit tests to get better test reporting08/20/2014 03:44 pm
237FeatureNewLowIs there a usecase for vectored I/O?03/24/2014 09:26 pm
236TaskNewNormalBenchmark FileChannel transfersabeluck08/07/2012 07:30 pm
226FeatureNewNormalShare filestream across app boundary without leaking plaintext to disk02/25/2015 09:20 am
171FeatureNewNormalExpose sqlite's vacuum feature03/23/2015 06:03 pm

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