SWN User Stories¶
Brian's Note: I've titled this "SWN User Stories" to differentiate from the previous early MRApp content User Stories section, so that I could create a separate link and keep that page as-is. We could also title this "Storymaker User Stories" or anything else someone might prefer. These are user stories which I prepared for Steve and Alex when they were first drafting the wireframe, I'm not sure they ever made it to the wiki and thought they may be of interest.
Male/Female, comfortable with mobile phones, media hobbyist(shoots photos/video regularly), if not mediamaker, has a facebook account, or is at least familiar with social media tools, middle class, interested in improving their society/community, educated, curious about the world.
here are some potential users based on people I've met in Libya/Jordan:
Mohamed - educated, moderate english speaker, graphic designer, driven to make his own videos no matter the obstacle. He has an almost new android phone, laptop, and sony video camera with an interchangeable lens. He wants to create films to make money as well as tell the world about what the people of Misurata experienced. He will use the app to produce regular short news packages, possibly for broadcast on local TV.
Aya - educated, raised abroad, fluent english speaker. She is a young activist/feminist who wants to make narrative films as well as advocacy pieces to raise awareness about the needs of Libyan society. Her use is likely to be irregular, driven by issues that take her fancy. She has a DSLR, and recent model PC laptop.
Ammar - educated, well-off activist and human rights defender. He has a samsung galaxy 2 and is a big fan of android. He also uses textsecure and other guardian apps are installed on his phone. He sees the app as a tool to create more effective advocacy stories and documentation of violations in his country. He will definitely make use of all security elements of the app, but is less likely to take note of the journalism side.
Tareq - young filmmaker educated in America, has an iphone and Canon 5D, as well as a mac laptop. Tareq is planning to make a living running a production company. He will use such an app to create high quality, simple news packages and train additional staff quickly to be able to broaden the impact of his company. He produces a combination of event video and short documentary films.