Discussion items
Neo is a digital products firm which does strategy, design, and development. We like to work in small interdisciplinary teams and play multiple roles. In the case of the codesign class projects we're looking to help out each project as we can. Each Neon has different skills so we'll need to know what help is needed. We generally fall along a spectrum of skills:
Lean Product Design
UX (User Experience)
Visual Design (UI)
Front End Development (web or mobile)
Backend Development
Operations & DevOps
Design Candidates
V1 - Simple train and diff
Train phone to detect cell towers in area (home, protest area, etc.)
Diff cell towers at a later time (during protest)
Provided data on known/unknown towers to user

V2 - Passive alerts
Train and persist data for a given location?
Ping server with location for known towers in range/area?
Alert user when difference (unknown tower) comes into view

V3 - Map locations
Show locations of known/unknown cell towers on map

V4 - Stingray sharer
Share data with others

Meeting notes
ONI - open network initiative
OONI - open observe network interference

Lookout - mobile antivirus software for android
- model for app that starts with one thing then progresses

Look for patterns in cell tower IDs and stuff like that
Diffing locations, names
This looks okay, this looks weird, this looks wrong (was good and now is gone)
blackouts, spying
Nice to have: specify that you don’t want to connect to a cell tower, etc.
- Tell them not to connect to this network_id.
- After identifying bad (rouge) cell tower/network, tell user to roam.
Scan -- what to do about it once something is detected.
Android share ? share data with anyone

Two landscapes of work
Coding/design of application

Website/google play store
About page for application
What to do about it page

Scan locations, home for example

GMS encryption off?
Action items
Contact Neo for mobile UI designer and send detailed description
Copy notes to wiki
Come up with intiial schema - fields per
cell table, scan table, locations
Google play page copy

Also available in: PDF HTML TXT