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iocipher / .cproject @ master

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# Date Author Comment
9f9c1b5c 09/03/2014 02:04 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

run ${ANDROID_NDK}/ndk-build as part of the Eclipse build process

ANDROID_NDK is a pseudo-standard environment variable following the standard
ANDROID_HOME env var. ANDROID_NDK points to the root of the Android NDK. I
usually put it into /opt/android-ndk.

b42ed8ea 08/09/2012 06:12 pm Abel Luck

Eclipse project changes.

Major change here is to disable code analysis errors. Eclipse will no longer
spew hundreds of errors when opening a C source file.

f6c270d9 03/23/2012 10:24 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

add support for "Native Project" handling with Eclipse CDT and Sequoyah