API Design

The API for the InformaCam API will be RESTful, and built using python/tornado. The initial implementation will focus on "modules" speaking to each other. The initial expected modules/components are:

- storage server
- intake service (cert authority + upload)
- API service (tornado/python + couchdb REST calls with JSON returns)
- Phone module
- Web admin front-end (sammy, custom javascript, etc.)

Modules wishing to PUT/GET using the API must have a registered certificate with the InformaCam Server intake service in order to be granted access. This initial implemenatation will utilized this as its authorization mechanism during this initial implementation, instead trying to develop out a public-facing API that could conceivably require authorization approaches like OAuth, etc.

The web admin front-end will be as divorced from python as feasible, removing the majority of dependencies (e.g., avoiding python templates, etc.).

Get Object Record(s)

Path Method Description
/v1/derivative GET Get a media object's derivative record(s) by id

id parameter must be provided or will return as bad request.


Name Data Type Required/Optional Description Use
id string required unique id(s) used to identify a media object derivative record within InformaCam system's database By default (when no additional parameters are added) an array for each of the objects is returned that includes the following: _id, alias, media type, time record was created, save location, submitted by, derivative thumbnail. To have additional metadata returned additional parameters must be supplied
sort string Optional sort order of media records returned Sort by (default date media is created): * dateSubmitted * dateCreated (date record created) * submitter
not_truncated boolean optional if true return full derivative record
geneology boolean optional if set to true, full geneology information will be returned metadata returned: device id, ownership type, datetime media created on, datetime submitted, about the device, and device integrity
description boolean optional if true returns custom categorical metadata added on server side data returned is dependent on custom metadata implemented by organization (e.g., categorization, description,
form boolean optional if true returns form data submitted through mobile device dependent on implementation
annotations boolean optional if true returns annotation data within the J3M
locations boolean optional if true returns locations array (multiple lat/long locations recorded with J3M at time media is being recorded)
keywords boolean optional if true returns array of keywords
region_bounds boolean optional if true returns array of region bounds



Truncated example {


Full Example {


Search Object Records

Path Method Description
/v1/search GET Search media records

Records returned in a search will always be truncated, and will include the following: _id, alias, media type, time record was created, save location, submitted by, derivative thumbnail. Additional parameters will be provided dependent on the parameters requested.

At least one of the following parameters (except limit) but be supplied or will return bad request.


Name Data Type Required/Optional Description Use
limit int optional identify number of records to return
sort string Optional sort the order of media records returned Sort by (default is relevancy rating): * relevancy * dateSubmitted * dateCreated (date record created) * submitter
term string optional keyword search object records
dateCreated timestamp (?) optional search by date media was created
dateSubmitted timestamp (?) optional search by date media was submitted
type string optional search by media type options: image, media
location array optional search for objects within a geographical bounds array should be formed similar to {"lat":0, "lng": 0, "radius": 5, "measure": "km"}. Measure can be kilometers (km) or miles (ml); default is km. radius can be decimal, default is 1. lat, lng should be down to (?); lat,long must be provided
custom array optional search for objects using custom metadata fields array passed should contain each custom term, followed by string of search query. E.g., custom={"ethnicity":"french", "status":"needs review"}





Submit media

TBD. Flesh out w/ Harlo better

Submit/Create New Record

Path Method Description
/v1/derivative POST Create a new derivative record when a media file is submitted/accepted to repository


Name Data Type Required/Optional Description Use
j3m json required decrypted j3m metadata (as a JSON object) is used to create a derivative record of a submitted media file stringify json object before passing


Update Existing Record

Path Method Description
/v1/updateRecord/[derivative id here] PUT Update metadata fields for an existing derivative record


Name Data Type Required/Optional Description Use
id alphanumeric required unique id used to identify a derivative record within the InformaCam system's database; the geocouch document id ID should be appended to the URL as the final locator in the path
description string optional add/update a description to the record of a submitted media file this does not effect the original J3M submitted, only the derivative record created for the admin view
alias string optional add/update a title to the record of a submitted media file
tier string optional add / update a tier of a record of a submitted media file IBA specific
status string optional add / update a status of a record of a submitted media file to reflect that it has been review/approved by repository staff members IBA requested; also helps meet ISO standard for trusted digital repositories
custom json optional add custom field and corresponding value to a derivative record within the InformaCam system's database pass stringified json array in the following format, to identify the key and value to add: {'key here': 'value here'}


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