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gnupg-for-android / @ master

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# Date Author Comment
98045716 01/15/2014 10:36 pm hans

replace ActionBarSherlock with android-support-v7-appcompat

android-support-v7-appcompat and ActionBarSherlock are both library
projects, so they probably have the same amount of pain in handling them in
Eclipse, etc. But android-support-v7-appcompat supports ActionModes like...

31b42b29 01/15/2014 10:12 pm hans

set min platform to android-9/2.3/Gingerbread

Its currently too much work for us to handle supporting older versions.
This relies on a lot of new APIs both in the SDK, like the Contacts
handling, and in the NDK.

Update target to the latest while I'm at it.

35988c42 06/13/2013 09:53 am abeluck

put ABS in externa/ and use the same support lib version as it

b3306c38 06/11/2013 01:18 pm abeluck

implement two-tab pager with Public and Private keylist

8cd2817a 05/31/2013 02:18 am hans

set target SDK version to 17

ddc5414d 04/19/2013 08:36 pm hans

android:targetSdkVersion="16" (4.1.2)

6345dbf1 08/09/2012 07:02 pm abeluck

Change project config to support native code debugging.

49aa7123 03/10/2012 03:05 am hans

include upstream changes for npth and gnupg to get things working on android < 9

086e29c2 02/26/2012 04:14 am hans

pthread_rwlock_* is required by dirmngr, but was added in android-9/2.3 so up min platform

a4265690 02/22/2012 10:13 pm hans

minimum target: Android 2.2/android-8 because gnupg needs regexp support

8a05cb11 02/16/2012 08:13 pm hans

added blank template Android project