Bug #6443

Orbot does not redirect DNS requests in VPN mode

Added by Anonymous about 2 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:06/29/2015
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:n8fr8% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:v15 - MayPhlowerz


In "apps vpn" mode, Orbot does not redirect DNS requests (i.e. DNS leak). As seen in the attached images my IP address appears to be from Germany but my DNS requests are still processed by my ISP's DNS server. If I use Drony (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.sandroproxy.drony) as VPN service with Orbot as the proxy server, Drony redirects my DNS requests properly.

Screenshot_2015-06-27-07-36-33.png (133 KB) Anonymous, 06/29/2015 08:02 pm

Screenshot_2015-06-27-07-37-08.png (328 KB) Anonymous, 06/29/2015 08:02 pm

Related issues

Copied from Orbot - Bug #5587: Orbot does not redirect DNS requests in VPN mode New 06/29/2015

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