Feature #5656

Orweb installation prompt

Added by Anonymous over 2 years ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:05/14/2013
Priority:UrgentDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


If people don't have Orbot installed, the app doesn't work. There is a little warning bubble that comes up, but nothing substantial. And there's no way for users to actually download Orbot directly from the app in the same way that users can get Orweb from Orbot.

Ideally, it would immediately send users to an explanation page that says something like "to be anonymous, you need the Orbot plugin" with a visual of our Onion dude. And then after 5 seconds, it would send users to the play store to download it if they have it installed. If the app store is not installed, it should send them to our latest build - https://guardianproject.info/repo/Orweb.apk

Related issues

Copied from Orweb - Feature #1298: Orweb installation prompt Resolved 05/14/2013

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