Bug #4823

Story tip is always shown in RTL format

Added by LizGrauel almost 3 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:03/25/2015
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Build 0.1.6
Nexus 7, 5.0.2

1. Launch app and navigate to Feeds
2. Select a story in a LTR language
3. Tap to bring up the story tip

The "Over To Read" tip prompts users to swipe from left to right, which is the correct behavior if user is reading an article written in an RTL language like Arabic, but is backwards for LTR languages like English

device-2015-03-25-163038.png (89 KB) LizGrauel, 03/25/2015 08:33 pm

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