Bug #3024

ChatSecure unsuccessful in importing KeySync'd private key

Added by mfc almost 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:03/02/2014
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:n8fr8% Done:


Target version:-


Hey folks,
Been attempting to use KeySync to sync Pidgin private key to ChatSecure and have been unsuccessful, in the sense that after the sync the OTR fingerprint on ChatSecure not the same as the OTR fingerprint for Pidgin. The import process with QR passcode works successfully, but the key seems to not actually be imported.

With Hans' help, we determined that the problem is on the ChatSecure-side, as KeySync successfully outputs an encrypted sync file that has the key with the correct fingerprint.

On the ChatSecure side, I tried three different processes for importing the KeySync:

1. import correct key into a ChatSecure account that already have a different private key associated with it
2. import correct key into ChatSecure with associated account that has never used OTR (i.e. fresh install of ChatSecure, with account)
3. import correct key into ChatSecure without associated account

Running CyanogenMod 11 M3.

Any thoughts/help appreciated, thanks!


#1 Updated by hans almost 4 years ago

My guess is that chatsecure is not properly hotswapping in the new key data, but that's hard to confirm. But I can confirm that the key chatsecure was using after keysync had a different fingerprint than the key in pidgin. The key from Pidgin that KeySync exported to the otr_keystore.ofcaes had the same fingerprint, so there is a small chance the key being corrupted in the final stage of KeySync's write process.

mrw, is the fingerprint you see on ChatSecure after keysyncing the same as another other key you know? Like an old ChatSecure or Pidgin key? Also, if you do the command line keysync -i pidgin -o pidgin, how many keys are in the otr_private_key file that gets generated?

#2 Updated by hans almost 4 years ago

  • Assignee set to n8fr8

#3 Updated by mfc almost 4 years ago

The fingerprint is not one that I know. It changes every time I do it, suggesting it is randomly generated, which I imagine ChatSecure does if you don't have an existing key and begin an encrypted chat (only way to view your own OTR fingerprint in ChatSecure). I have one key in the otr_private_key file that is generated from keysync -i pidgin -o pidgin

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