Feature #2895

Support Miranda IM

Added by Anonymous almost 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:01/21/2014
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


Please add Miranda IM (http://www.miranda-im.org/) to the list of apps to choose from.

The OTR data seems to be stored in "C:\Users\scottf\AppData\Roaming\Miranda\Force\MirOTR":

Here is the Miranda OTR addon:


#1 Updated by hans almost 4 years ago

We'd like to support as many apps as possible, but we can't do it alone. For example, none of us have ever used Miranda, so we wouldn't know how to test to make sure things worked.

That said, it should be pretty straightforward to add the Miranda support yourself. Start with otrapps/pidgin.py, copy it to otrapps/miranda.py, edit the path, edit setup.py and otrapps/__init__.py and try running it. That might be enough if Miranda stores the account IDs and XMPP Resources the same way as pidgin. Chances are that it is slightly different, so I'll have to be tweaked a bit. But that is most likely all that needs to happens, since it looks like Miranda uses libotr and its file format.

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