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  • Registered on: 08/13/2014
  • Last connection: 07/10/2015



Reported issues: 1


08:29 pm CameraV (InformaCam Project) Feature #4502 (Closed): Server-side device detection
Put a CSS class in the body tag: 'phone', 'tablet', 'desktop'
Maybe this?
06:51 pm CameraV (InformaCam Project) Feature #3987 (Resolved): MUST show map (openstreetmap preferred) of all geolocation points store...


10:29 pm CameraV (InformaCam Project) Feature #3976: MUST allow upload from a mobile web browser (Chrome on Android, Safari on iOS, etc)
I don't have an Android phone to test on. Does tapping the file uploader allow access to photos, videos, and J3M logs...
09:54 pm CameraV (InformaCam Project) Feature #3976: MUST allow upload from a mobile web browser (Chrome on Android, Safari on iOS, etc)
It's mostly working, but I really want to add a "Tap here to upload" label for smartphones and tablets to the landing...


03:54 am CameraV (InformaCam Project) Feature #3988: SHOULD show remaining metadata in an accurate, efficient, pleasing way, ideally se...
I think:
pressureAltitude = feet or meters (which one?)
lightMeter = lux
Accelerometer = meters/second^2


07:24 pm CameraV (InformaCam Project) Feature #3987: MUST show map (openstreetmap preferred) of all geolocation points stored in metadata
Question: if there’s GPSCoords data, are there *always* going to be GPSAccuracy and GPSBearing data?
I think I can...
06:31 pm CameraV (InformaCam Project) Feature #3988: SHOULD show remaining metadata in an accurate, efficient, pleasing way, ideally se...
You know what would be nice for the graph? Units, that’s what. For the Y-axis. What do these numbers actually mean?
03:43 pm CameraV (InformaCam Project) Feature #3984 (Closed): MUST show clear indication of verification state


08:34 pm CameraV (InformaCam Project) Feature #3984 (In Progress): MUST show clear indication of verification state
08:08 pm CameraV (InformaCam Project) Feature #3988: SHOULD show remaining metadata in an accurate, efficient, pleasing way, ideally se...
? change checkbox widget for line graph into multiple select box
• display Y Axis more pleasingly
? separate graphs...

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