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  • Registered on: 01/14/2014
  • Last connection: 01/14/2014


Reported issues: 2


04:05 pm ChatSecure:Android Bug #2865: MD5 fingerprint displayed for certificate
The SHA-1 hash function is also problematic, but it's still much more used then the newer SHA2-256 and most issued SS...
04:01 pm ChatSecure:Android Bug #2865 (New): MD5 fingerprint displayed for certificate
When new SSL certificate is supplied by the server, ChatSecure displays the MD5 and SHA-1 fingerprint.
Don't displ...
02:23 pm ChatSecure:Android Bug #2863 (Closed): Disable SSL 3.0
I have checked the SSL behavior in ChatSecure. ChatSecure is currently
supporting SSL3.0 and TLS1.0 for encrypt...

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