Sample Template JSON Encoding

Each template will be represented by a simple JSON file such as below. This is dynamically parsed from the file and used to power the "Add Clip" screen, based on the type of template the user chooses, whether simple or complex. We can also support downloading new templates from the server as they are defined, or allowing user-defined templates.

All defaut/built-in templates will be stored in the app assets folder here:

Sample JSON for "simple video":

    "scenes": [
            "clips": [
                    "Artwork": "cliptype_detail", 
                    "Description": "What does the character do for a living? Show the audience the most important element of the character. This element should fill at least 50% of the frame.", 
                    "Goal": "Depict something noteworthy about the character.", 
                    "Length": "X seconds", 
                    "Security Concern": "-", 
                    "Shot Size": "Detail", 
                    "Tip": "If you are too close to the action, your phone\u2019s camera may not be able to focus. Keep the camera at arm\u2019s length from your subject.", 
                    "Title": "Signature" 
                    "Artwork": "cliptype_long", 
                    "Description": "This shot should be wide enough to depict the character\u2019s complete action. The character should fill 20% of your frame.", 
                    "Goal": "Show the character engaged in her environment.", 
                    "Length": "X seconds", 
                    "Security Concern": "-", 
                    "Shot Size": "Long", 
                    "Tip": "Keep your character on one of the vertical lines to frame your shot properly.", 
                    "Title": "Action" 
                    "Artwork": "cliptype_close", 
                    "Description": "Show the audience who your character is, build a connection between the viewer and subject. The character should fill at least 50% of the frame.", 
                    "Goal": "Depict the character\u2019s emotion.", 
                    "Length": "X seconds", 
                    "Security Concern": "-", 
                    "Shot Size": "Close", 
                    "Tip": "Use the eye-line to frame your shot properly.", 
                    "Title": "Character" 
                    "Artwork": "cliptype_medium", 
                    "Description": "Ask open-ended questions. Decide your questions based on the type of source you are interviewing. The character should fill at least 30% of the frame.", 
                    "Goal": "Ask the character to tell you a story.", 
                    "Length": "X seconds", 
                    "Security Concern": "-", 
                    "Shot Size": "Medium", 
                    "Tip": "Place your character on one side of the frame, frame your shot to show something else important to the story on the other side.", 
                    "Title": "Interview" 
                    "Artwork": "cliptype_wide", 
                    "Description": "Environmental video may indicate the country or an ethnic or religious element. Include landmarks or other location specific information. The character will fill no more than 10% of the frame.", 
                    "Goal": "Environmental clips help the audience understand where your story takes place.", 
                    "Length": "X seconds", 
                    "Security Concern": "-", 
                    "Shot Size": "Wide", 
                    "Tip": "Place your camera directly in front of the primary location you are filming. Landmarks help the audience understand their location.", 
                    "Title": "Environmental" 
            "title": "Scene 1" 
    "title": "Video Simple" 

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