October 22 2013

Attendees: Steve, Nathan, Josh, Bethel


  1. Open ITP - We need to wait for Nathan to hear his thoughts. FPU is okay with the concept that SWN and Scalio proposed, but was thinking to focus it more on use cases in conflict areas. Nathan needs to advise. FPU would have liked to be informed before SWN wrote the proposal. Apparently Niels gave the go ahead with ITP before.
  2. Will ask Nasri about details of trimming bug
    #SWN will sign contract for 100k with Open Tech Fund to build more features; Flickr, Soundcloud, Youtube..Make it easier to add in other services in the future
    #Using encryption in Pakistan is illegal - we need to make sure users in Pakistan know this if we deploy it there
  3. Steve will follow up with Turan et al on story format lessons.
  1. Wants to get in touch with PC's to get better feedback on problems with the app/phones
  2. Have someone Ian knows to review Persian version of security lesson

#Settings need to be translated to Arabic
#Working on the camera part of the app to improve it
#Working on an open source camera for Benetech

  1. Problems with settings in Tunisia training
  2. StoryMaker Camp January 27-32
  3. Follow up on time for call to brainstorm on Camp
  4. Share google doc on storymaker camp sessions

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