1. General
Users should be reminded to work securely and professionally while reporting (reminder, widet, checklist?)
A checklist users have to tick off before they publish photos, video or audio to social media when they are in their 'reporters profile'
Users should be able to look stuff up for quick reference (like a FAQ, directing to specific lessons/video’s in the course?)
When starting the application users should be able to go to different items: 1. Course, 2. Assignments & Collaboration (better name needed), 3. FAQ, 5. Opportunities and news (IJNet rss feed?), 6. Links, 7. Settings
FAQ should be treating seperate issues and quick answers.
Native English and Arabic speakers should be supported by the initial content and user interface.
User interface should be available in English and Arabic, just as all the course content
2. Coursework
Users can follow a linear course on three subsequent subjects (digital security, journalism and mobile reporting (audio, photo, video))
The course is offered in three parts. First the course needs to be completed fully (campaign mode) before the several parts can be browsed .
The course contains video’s, audio and game (interactive?) elements
The course consist of short texts, short video's, audio and interactive elements. More info will be added later this week by ICFJ.
It’s clear for users what they learn in the specific lesson
At the start of every course it's clearly defined what the course objectives are and what the user is able to do after the course is completed
Lessons are concluded with an assignment (can be in app, or a small production, or installation of another app, etc)
There should an option for quizzes, import and subsequent upload to the evaluation platform and assignment that look like: "install this app". So the WRApp should be able to check whether the other app has been installed successfully.
Users should be able to pick up their lesson from where they left it previously, but also have the possibility to go back (and forward)
When a user exits from the WRApp (hard (battery failure, bug, etc) or soft (home button)) she or he should be able to pick up the lesson where he left off when she or he returns. A user should always be able to go back to review what was learned and also have the possibility then to return where she/he left off.
Users should during all times have a clear idea how far they are in their lessons and in their module
There should be an 'advance bar' to see how far in the lesson the user is.
The practical lessons should have hotlinks to other applications
It should be possible to start other applications from the WRApp (such as a audio recorder app or a camera app). There should be an opportunity to return from the WRApp from these applications
Users can go to a website to do the lessons and submit their assignments
Users who do not have (access to) an android phone should be able to access the material via a website. The course content which refers to other actions concerning other Android applications should have animations of the action on the Android phone. Except from this the site should give access to the same content as the WRApp itself.
Feedback / Grading
Users can submit assignments/productions to a platform where its published and reviewed
Productions or assignments can be submitted to the evaluation platform for evaluation by a coach/trainer and by other members of the community. On the platform people should be given an automated ID which people can alter if needed (name + country). Messages and notifications will be directly send to the application and/or e-mailaddress.
The platform should be accessible from inside the WRApp as well. People should have the opportunity to 1. review their own work and comments 2. review the works of others per country or by other category
Users get in-application reactions to their published assignment by a trainer
The message of the trainer should pop-up in the application as well as a notification in the upper bar, after which people can open the message from pulling down the top bar.
A user is rewarded for finished assignments and finished modules (maybe pro versions of lite Apps?)
The best contributions are eligible for an award
Sync / Updating
The WRApp should be easily updateable with new links and new content
The CMS which is used to administer the App should be workable for a person who doesn't know code.
Users should be able to download the WRApp with videos all at once
Users should be able to download the WRApp with videos on demand
When downloading and installing the WRApp there should be two options: download the full version or download the version in which (larger) content/media is accessed on the go.
Partner organizations should be able to send notifications about upcoming trainings to WRApp users.
The notifications should not only be from IJnet but could be from various RSS feeds, which can be altered under 'Settings'. Standard, all feeds are 'ON'.
Distribution / Access
Users should be able to share the WRApp via tethering (peer to peer dissemination of app)
People should be able to share their WRApp with other user by publishing it to other Android users via Wifi.
Users on non-Android smartphones can also use the WRApp (should there be an android version and a versions for website and other phones?)
The website version should have a specific mobile version enabling users who have a non-android smartphones to use the WRApp. I would propose using the same content as the website, if the user stats show that many users are in Windows Mobile or iOS we could consider making a version for these phones as well.