Project *Core Apps » Bazaar » ChatSecure:Android » KeySync » Orbot » Orfox Private Browser » Orweb » Secure ReaderCacheWordIOCipherNetCipherPanicTrusted Intents » CheckeyLibreoSpideyStoryMaker™SecureSmartCam » CameraV (InformaCam Project) » ObscuraCam
Tracker *Bug Feature Task
Subject *
Description The standard way to show a list of languages available in an app is to show each language's name in that language. For example, shows this at the bottom of the page: English (US), Deutsch, Français (France), Italiano, Português (Portugal), Shqip, Español, Türkçe, ???????, ??????. Even better is to get the caps right for each language, which you can see at the bottom of That is easy to do by querying the Android system for the name of the language. This code is all available in ChatSecure for the taking, so this should be easy to implement in Courier: This code also automatically generates the list of supported languages based on which languages are actually included in the APK, so you don't have to manually maintain any lists in the code. One thing to check: some of the Courier stuff seems to mix up Simplified Chinese (@zh_CN@) and Traditional Chinese (@zh_TW@). I imagine that the Courier is aimed at China (@zh_CN) rather than Taiwan (@zh_TW), but the app description page uses @zh_TW@ here: "Chinese (???)"
Status *New
Priority *Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
Assignee << me >>carriestiensLizGrauelmicahmikaelocdavidvaneveryAnonymous
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% Done0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 100 %
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