
LiBro aka the FreeBook aka the Little Brother

The Libro is an affordable, low-cost companion device, designed to defend the privacy of its user. It has no camera or microphone, and so cannot be used as an unwitting surveillance tool. It utilizes a streamlined, locked-down version of Android, that includes no closed-source applications or links to Google, Amazon or other corporate account. It utilizes full-disk encryption, built-in firewalls, and other secure by design features. Finally, it comes stock with the full suite of Guardian Project applications and add-ons, for secure communications and information access, including support for Tor, Off-the-Record Encryption, and a full Debian OS subsystem. The Libro can be used on traditional internet-enabled wifi access points, as well as mesh network settings, where the network is not trusted or available.

Read more on the wiki: https://dev.guardianproject.info/projects/libro/wiki

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