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the icon entry in the .desktop shouldn't contain an extension
.. unless it is an absolute path as per the Desktop Entry and IconTheme specifications.
add required traling semicolon to string lists in the .desktop
fedora's packaging tools require it, and it is part of the spechttp://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s03.html
keysync.desktop: add Keywords to make app entry more searchable
http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s05.htmlA list of strings which may be used in addition to other metadata todescribe this entry. This can be useful e.g. to facilitate searching...
keysync.desktop: remove unneeded declaration of UTF-8 encoding
from lintian:The Encoding key is now deprecated by the FreeDesktop standard and allstrings are required to be encoded in UTF-8. This desktop entryexplicitly specifies an Encoding of UTF-8, which is harmless but no...
include Free Desktop .desktop file to setup menu item in GNU/Linux