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keysync / keysync.desktop @ master

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# Date Author Comment
a9761a3b 10/17/2013 12:58 pm Abel Luck

the icon entry in the .desktop shouldn't contain an extension

.. unless it is an absolute path as per the Desktop Entry and Icon
Theme specifications.

b7d75f27 10/17/2013 12:56 pm Abel Luck

add required traling semicolon to string lists in the .desktop

fedora's packaging tools require it, and it is part of the spec

4532efd8 09/14/2013 04:43 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

keysync.desktop: add Keywords to make app entry more searchable
A list of strings which may be used in addition to other metadata to
describe this entry. This can be useful e.g. to facilitate searching...

92598130 09/14/2013 04:43 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

keysync.desktop: remove unneeded declaration of UTF-8 encoding

from lintian:
The Encoding key is now deprecated by the FreeDesktop standard and all
strings are required to be encoded in UTF-8. This desktop entry
explicitly specifies an Encoding of UTF-8, which is harmless but no...

debe439e 09/14/2013 04:43 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

include Free Desktop .desktop file to setup menu item in GNU/Linux