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iocipher / @ master

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# Date Author Comment
3e720e0b 01/17/2017 07:59 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

build with NDK r13b, which has a min supported platform on android-9

131d97f0 01/12/2017 01:35 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

describe the target platform level choice

IOCipher does not need any new features added to the NDK since android-5,
which is the NDK platform used when targeting android-7.

"Each new release of NDK headers and libraries for a given Android API
level is cumulative; you are nearly always safe if you use the most...

74f47630 09/03/2014 02:04 am Hans-Christoph Steiner is no longer needed, android.library=true is enough

6ef51283 03/22/2012 05:51 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

Convert to an "Android Library Project" and remove all traces of template GUI

ca98220c 03/20/2012 06:38 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

added skeleton Android project