Version 1 Documentation

APK Download Available

Please Note: This new binary is not backwards-compatible. You will have to uninstall InformaCam from your device before using this one.

Please download APK here
(older binaries)

or build from source
(notes for building from source are here: Build InformaCam from Source).

Also, your device must have the following apps for proper use. Please be sure to download, install, and properly set-up the following:

The APK is prototype, and as such, will be updated and replaced from time-to-time. You will be notified to re-install when there is a new version available. This also means that this build should not be considered for use outside of testing and demo-ing purposes, as the app will have to go through a thorough peer-review and quality assurance testing before it can be reliably used "in the wild."

Device Support

InformaCam requires a devices running Android 2.3.3 or later.

So far, InformaCam has been successfully tested on the following devices:
  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus
  • Nexus 4
  • Samsung Galaxy Player
There are known issues on the following devices:
  • Samsung Galaxy S III
  • Nexus One

If you experience difficulty with InformaCam, and your device is not listed above, please contact us with your device model. We will investigate.

Other dependencies

To properly use the backend interface, you must navigate through it using the Tor Browser Bundle, in place of a standard browser like Firefox, Chrome, or IE.
You may now use Firefox or Chrome to access the backend. Has not been tested on IE.

Android Client (InformaCam): How-to

Web App (iWitness): How-to

Set-up your App

InformaCam has a handy wizard that guides you through set-up, step by step. When you're finished with the wizard, the first thing you'll want to do is to get the proper credentials to send your media to a trusted destination server. From the main menu, tap "Export Device Key" and send it to the administrator of the trusted destination server. (You may send this by email, bluetooth, dropbox, it's up to you.) When the administrator sends you back your .ictd file, simply open it with InformaCam and it will be automatically imported into your Address Book.

Create an Image or Video

From the main menu, select either Camera or Camcorder to launch the camera. Once you're done taking your image or video, click "Save" (or the check icon, depending on your device.) After a moment, an editor should appear where you can tap on a region in the video or photo to make annotations. If you don't want to annotate your media immediately, press the menu button and select "Save;" your image or video will be saved in its current state and can be re-opened at any time via the Media Manager.

Use the Media Manager

From the Media Manager, you will see a list of all your InformaCam media, including the time last saved, and media type (image or video). Tap on any item to resume editing, or long-press to rename the file, delete the file, or export it via email, bluetooth, or any other app you have on your device.

Save, Send, and Export Media

There is a difference between the "Save" option, the "Save and Send" option (both found in the media editor) and the "Export" option (found in the Media Manager) which must be understood to use InformaCam effectively. A media file's chain of custody depends on the option you choose:

  • Save means "save locally to my device so I may annotate the media later." InformaCam keeps track of when you edit and annotate your media, and the record of all your edits are logged permanently and may not be deleted (unless you delete the entire media file, which cannot be undone).
  • Save and Send means "initiate the chain of custody between my device and a trusted destination chosen from my Address Book." When you send a media file from the "Save and Send" option, you and your recipient can be certain that there is an uninterrupted chain of custody between the media encrypted on your device to the media on the recipient's server.

  • Export means "create a copy of my original media and metadata that anyone I choose can view." InformaCam will create a copy of your original media with unencrypted metadata that you may share with anyone via email, bluetooth, Dropbox, or any other way you'd like. (Metadata is unencrypted at this point in time, but subsequent releases of the app will permit you to choose someone from your Address Book to encrypt your media to.) Please note, export does mean that, once the exported file is created, InformaCam can no longer track the exported copy's chain of custody.

Communicate with Trusted Destinations

Once a media file has been received, you will receive confirmation in your Message Center. You may think of this as somewhat of a chat room between a trusted destination and yourself, where the topic of conversation is the media file you sent out. InformaCam will refresh your messages as long as you are connected to the internet, and are running Orbot (Tor) in the background.

Troubleshooting and Bug Reporting

If you receive an error message, or if the app quits unexpectedly, please relaunch the app (if possible) and select "Send Log..." from the main menu. A dialog will appear that you must "OK" to generate the log. Once completed, you will be prompted to choose how you'll share the log with us. While email is acceptable, we would prefer you use Dropbox to place your error log into the "InformaCam Error Reporting" folder. (As a beta tester, you should have been granted access to this Dropbox folder; if not, please email for access.)

The sooner you do this after an error, the better, as it will help the InformaCam team better tailor your experience.

View Submissions Online

Once logged into the InformaCam server, you can view submissions by clicking on the Submissions tab (1). A list showing all submissions should appear (2); clicking on one will load the image (3).

One of the first visualization features available is the Map view, which gives a complete location history of the media object. InformaCam logs and displays the location where the media was saved, any locations encountered while the user was editing (or annotating) the media, as well as any locations visited during media capture (in the case of video).

Clicking on the Search tab (1) brings you to the place where you can search your collections according to various parameters. Each member on your team can create custom searches that can be loaded and performed right from the search tab (2). Naturally, a user can save a search query if a search is successful (3, 4).

Create Annotations

Regions of interest (annotations) submitted by the user are highlighted in grey over the media itself. Clicking on any region (1) will bring up the annotations box. Think of the annotations as a chat room dedicated to a particular region of interest. In addition to the original annotations by the source, you and anyone on your team can add annotations to further the discussion to the most minute detail (2, 3).

Videos work the same way; as the video plays, the regions will follow their trail (1). These regions can also be updated in the same manner (2).

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