Building/Installing System Dependencies for InformaCam Servers

Version 1 Full Installation Instructions
InformaCam Server Installation Instructions v1
InformaCam Server Installation Instructions 11.10 with GeoCouch

On Ubuntu

  1. Git
  2. Tor
  3. CouchDB
  4. LightTPD and PHP-5
  5. Maven 3 (note: do not use mirror listed at this site; instead, wget a distro from here)
  6. Jetty/CometD
  8. Java
  9. MATLAB Compiler Runtime. (which can be scored here)
    The instructions omit that you need to include the following build flags:
    -agreeToLicense yes -destinationFolder /path/you/choose -outputFile /path/you/choose/output_file.txt

    Upon successful installation, you will be prompted to append some new paths to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and XAPPLRESDIR environment variables.

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