Debugging this Beast

There are many moving parts in this collection of software, so there are many places to look for debugging information. This is a list of them:

Running GnuPG on the command line

Often, its much easier to see what is happening by using the command line, even in Android.

adb shell
export PATH=$PATH:/data/data/info.guardianproject.gpg/app_opt/aliases
gpg --list-keys


The key arg is a string that is level:filename, i.e. "8:/data/data/info.guardianproject.gpg/app_log/gpgme.log". I believe the max debug level is currently 8.

command line flags

" --daemon --write-env-file " + "--debug-level advanced --log-file "

  • src/info/guardianproject/gpg/
  • src/info/guardianproject/gpg/
  • src/info/guardianproject/gpg/

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