Student Application Template

To fill this in, copy the source text. Please don't rename the template.

This is a suggestion for the kind of information we'll find useful from students in their submissions. Remember -- you're going to be committing to several months' work. The more information and planning you can provide up-front, the more we (and Google!) will have to go on when we're ranking your application. Do not forget adding your submission at StudentApplications2013

  • Name
  • Contact/Email: where can we contact you? (IRC/IM details too, if available.
  • Background: something about yourself: technical skills, experience, etc. Who are you? What makes you the best person to work on this project?
  • Project title
  • Project details: a more detailed description.
  • Synopsis: a short description.
  • Benefits to The Guardian Project
  • Deliverables: quantifiable results e.g. 'Completed Orbot Notifications overhaul', 'Write 3 articles for the blog'.
  • Project schedule: how long will the project take? When can you begin work?
  • Exams and other commitments: do you have university exams inside the SoC period? If so, that's most likely not a problem but please tell us early!
  • Other summer plans: are you getting married? Do you have a long vacation planned? Are you expecting to start a job? Be aware that if you are accepted for the summer, then Google will be paying you as though you were working for them. We (in Guardian Project) will therefore expect you to be working 35-40 hours per week on your project. It is very unlikely that you will be able to combine a successful SoC with another summer job working for somebody else.
  • Why Guardian Project?: Why are you choosing The Guardian Project? What attracts you about The Guardian Project?
  • Are you applying for other projects in SoC? Note that letting us know about this does not impact your chances of acceptance or rejection with us; we ask this because it helps us to resolve deduplications wherein a student is accepted for multiple projects.

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