Feature #6963

Make Noscript better

Added by Stabledoesntmeanbuggy almost 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Status:NewStart date:04/08/2016
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:Orfox RC


It's really good Guardian Project ported NoSctipt to Android, there isn't the addon on firefox android addons page, but some enhancements can be done.
First of all, where the hell are the sites I've allowed?!!!!!!
I see no option to disable a rule apart come back to that site tap noscript and disable it.
Why there's no option to allow temporary sites like Tor Browser. Tor Browser, for security reasons, allow only to temporary allow JS (or to globally allow it, even though is not recommended; and though recently was made default, most people who care about security disable Globally allow javascript at first run so....).
Temporary allow websites should be added at NoScript in Orfox. At the least it would be great something to see whitelisted sites and delete/add them!


#1 Updated by n8fr8 over 1 year ago

  • Target version set to Orfox RC

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