Bug #6479

Anmeldung unter jitsi

Added by Bodenseepferd about 2 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:01/06/2016
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


I've been trying hard (and without any success) to set up multiple accounts in jitsi.
I have jitsi version 2.8.5426 running on Linux Mint Rafaela.
I set up several SIP-accounts with ostel. All of them are valid (since I can login directly at the ostel.co homepage).
However, if I have more than ONE account within jitsi, everything gets confused. The displayed name of account 1 is shown in account 2 and vice versa. I can only log into one account, the saved contacts of account 2 disappear COMPLETELY (and never show up again), if I try to log into account 1 etc.
Is that a "feature" of jitsi, or is there a problem with ostel.co? Please help, because I urgently need my accounts.

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