Feature #5336

Process Video In Reverse Order

Added by Anonymous over 2 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:06/13/2015
Priority:UrgentDue date:
Assignee:abeluck% Done:


Target version:-


Can you please help me regarding below point. I caught into serious issue.

I want to do the reverse of the original video in Android Platform.

So I tried by capturing each frames from video, convert it into android bitmap and then write it to sdcard. Then I process each bitmaps in reverse order - Read the images one by one in reverse order, convert it into frame, and then create the video by writing frame one by one. Everything working fine but the issue is that it takes too too much time to process even 1 MB of video because of grabbing, converting it into bitmap and write to sdcard and again compressing it by reading image from sdcard, converting it into frame and writing that from to record the video.

So I want to grab the frames from reverse order. From ending position to starting position so that there is no need to write it to sdcard and all these lengthy process. So I seek the cursor to end of file using setTimestamp(), that I done successfully using get time (length of video), but now I stuck at the point - How to go to previous frame, and again to previous frame up to the first frame?

Please help me in this regards.

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