Bug #4630

Failed to add contacts using QR code

Added by carriestiens almost 3 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:03/02/2015
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:n8fr8% Done:


Target version:v15 - AWESOME APP


I was testing with the Galaxy s3 connected to my gmail account, and the Nexus 7, where I created a new jabber account. I believe the account was created on the duckduckgo server, but I'm not completely sure. I attempted to add the respective other as a contact by scanning a QR code. I tried it both ways. First scanning the QR code of the jabber account on the nexus 7; then scanning the code on the galaxy s3. In both attempts, the contacts were not added.

Both times, however, the QR code scanned fine, and added the username to the correct field. The new contact just never showed up in the list of contacts.


#1 Updated by n8fr8 over 2 years ago

  • Target version set to v15 - AWESOME APP

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