Bug #3669

Google Hangouts not working with Google Account without Gmail

Added by Anonymous over 3 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:08/22/2014
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


It is not possible to use ChatSecure for Android with a Google Account without Gmail (registering with another email address). Google+ and Hangouts work without any problems through Googles' web interface or Android app. But it doesn't seem possible to login with ChatSecure (neither by selecting type Google Account or selecting XMPP and experimenting with settings (talk.google.com, xmpp-server.l.google.com, with/without SRV).

How to repeat:

- register a Google Account using any non-Gmail and non-Google Apps email address (i.e. not using Google email servers)
- activate Google+ and Hangouts through the web
- verify that Hangouts work throught the web interface
- verify that Hangouts work throught the Hangouts Android app
- try to chat using ChatSecure, it does not sign in

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