Bug #2850

Problems when taking multiple images

Added by wendy.betts about 4 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:01/10/2014
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


There are two situations in which images are sometimes booted from the app into the regular device public gallery. First, after taking a photo/video and then going into the Gallery, if the user exits the Gallery before the image has processed, the image is lost. So, for example, if the user decides to take another photo and tries to access the camera, the previous image will be moved from the app to the device gallery. Second, even if the user leaves the camera open, when taking multiple photos in succession or taking a photo after a video, the later images do not always process and appear in the app. They sometimes are sent to the device gallery instead. Both of these situations are likely use case scenarios.

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