Bug #2844

Open attachment from Take Photo, crash the app.

Added by Anonymous about 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:01/07/2014
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


Bob and Alice use jabber.org (doesn't know if related)
Bob and Alice start encrypted chat (all green)
Bob want to send a file to Alice, from the menù he selects "take photo". Photo is saved in Bob:/sdcard/DCIM/

Now a lot of problems:
1. Until Alice accept (or drop) the photo Bob can't send her messages (all are marked with X instead of V)
2. Bob can't see a preview of the photo he taken (it's a green file)
3. When Bob try to open the photo from chatsecure instead this app is open (previously installed)
asking to restore a backup

If Alice accept file all previous messages from Bob are delivered (1)
File is saved in Alice:/sdcard/Downloads/
4. Like Bob, Alice can't see a preview of the photo (2)
5. If she try to open the file, chatsecure crash.

Bob and Alice running the same version of chatsecure (latest on play store)


#1 Updated by 3togo almost 4 years ago

I got the same problems even using the git version.
"Take photo" failed to create thumbnail, only left with a folder icon. Clicking the folder would crash the app.

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