Feature #2296

Improved Auto Focus for shot sizes

Added by SteveWyshy about 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:11/01/2013
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:vitriolix% Done:


Target version:Feature Requests


If the camera "knows" what shot you're using, it can also know what focal length to be working in much better than a normal auto focus function works
2:55 realized this when using the bank of america phone app to deposit a check

Effectively knowing where to prefocus to a depth to save time and prevent auto focus to snapping to the horizon. The problem to consider is, AutoFocus is a signature of poorly produced content. How can we offset bad autofocus.


#1 Updated by baghdadbrian about 4 years ago

I believe using facial recognition we can also determine distance, but I could be completely crazy. It sounds like what you're suggesting is that we might combine an overlay with a region where we expect to see both a face and a subject. correct?

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