- Registered on: 09/23/2013
- Last connection: 12/25/2013
Reported issues: 13
- 09:48 am ChatSecure:Android Bug #2800: Swiping away in recent apps leads to crash
- 4.2.2 on a nexus 4.
- 02:39 pm ChatSecure:Android Bug #2800: Swiping away in recent apps leads to crash
- This is happening with every Version since v12 including the recent release in
- 10:03 am ChatSecure:Android Bug #2370: color oft messages jumping between grey and purple
- Just noticed that this happens when scrolling. It also seems like the size of the text boxes is changing scrolling in...
- 09:13 am ChatSecure:Android Bug #2370 (Closed): color oft messages jumping between grey and purple
- In an encrypted chat sometimes the color of an encrypted message jumps between grey and purple. This sometimes happen...
- 12:32 pm ChatSecure:Android Bug #2325 (Closed): green arrow for sent messages is hardly visible
- Please make the green arrow for successfully sent messages a bit darker. The green is a bit too light, a bit darker g...
- 08:07 am ChatSecure:Android Bug #1927: Chatsecure crashes after app history swipe
- Just for clarification. In previous versions the app crashed after swiping away without the need of a signal loss. It...
- 07:34 pm ChatSecure:Android Bug #1927: Chatsecure crashes after app history swipe
- This is not completely resolved. Actually the app restarts when having swiped the app away and after that losing inte...
- 07:30 pm ChatSecure:Android Bug #2203: v12.7.1 can't relogin with orbit after signal loss
- This only happens after having swiped CS away from recent apps. Actually the app restarts when having swiped the app ...
- 10:52 am ChatSecure:Android Bug #2203 (Closed): v12.7.1 can't relogin with orbit after signal loss
- CS does not automatically reconnect on orbit when you lose internet connection. If you try to religion manually a win...
- 12:24 pm ChatSecure:Android Bug #2178 (New): inserting emojies in the middle of text does not work
- When trying to insert emojies in the middle of some text they always end up at the end.
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