
Potential Users
The following are the various user personae we will be targeting:
Security researchers
Legal observers



Brian is a technologist and loves gadgets. He always has the newest cellphone and knows everything about how it works. He enjoys spending time going through all of the advanced settings and screens on his phone and sometimes even takes apart the device to inspect the inside.


Brian wants to use our project in order to gain more insight into how his phone is working.



Kelly is an activist who is upset with the income disparity between the 1% and 99% in the United States. She has been doing a lot of research on the topic lately and even attended the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protest.


Kelly wants to use our project to know when

Security researchers


John is a security researcher with a focus on surveillance technologies and remedies. He’s an advocate of open knowledge and attempts to bring awareness of surveillance problems to others whenever possible. He regularly reports police activity to the media -- most recently he spent time at the Occupy Wall Street protest and wrote an article about how the police used IMSI catchers to keep accurate and complete lists of the people in attendance.


John wants to use our project to find out when police and FBI are using IMSI-catchers.
John wants to use our project to locate the IMSI catchers to attempt to get photo proof.
John wants to have proof of IMSI catchers to share with others.