Timeline + Milestones

Quarter 1 (1SEPT14 - 31OCT14)

  • Ongoing surveying, interviews and data gathering to form complete picture of “What is panic?” (SEPT/OCT)
  • User interface prototyping (OCT)
  • Analysis of existing code, projects and libraries (OCT)

Quarter 2 (1NOV14 - 31JAN15)

  • Development of patterns and libraries begins (NOV-JAN)
  • First public release of pattern library and initial code (JAN)

Quarter 3 (1FEB15 - 30APR15)

  • Introduce and promote the Panic Feature at major Internet Freedom, mobile technology and digital security conferences, as opportunities arise (for example, DRL Implementers meeting, RightsCon, the Android Developer Conference, Google IO and elsewhere).
  • Integration of initial panic feature concepts and code into secure messenger and other willing participant apps (FEB-APR)

Quarter 4 (1MAY15 - 31JULY15)

  • Prototyping of GeoFencing and wearable hardware panic triggers (MAY-JULY)
  • Second public release of pattern library and feature code and libraries. (JULY)
  • Open developer, designer event on “App Panic” - mini-conference event/gathering both in person and online (JULY)

Quarter 5 (1AUG15 - 31OCT15)

  • Outreach to broader app community; developer support for implementation of Panic (AUG-OCT)

Quarter 6 (1NOV15 - 31DEC15)

  • Ongoing community support of Panic Feature resources via mailing list, developer support site, chat, blogs and other social media (NOV-DEC)
  • Final evaluation, outreach to developers, output and outcome tracking (DEC)

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