Project *Core Apps » Bazaar » ChatSecure:Android » KeySync » Orbot » Orfox Private Browser » Orweb » Secure ReaderCacheWordIOCipherNetCipherPanicTrusted Intents » CheckeyLibreoSpideyStoryMakerâ„¢SecureSmartCam » CameraV (InformaCam Project) » ObscuraCam
Tracker *Bug Feature Task
Subject *
Description Hello, I'd like to report the missing Onion logo in the address bar next to the lock in the official Tor Project Downloads page,instead there's a world icon and when I click on the lock it tells me that it's a safe connection that's been verified by either Gandi or Comodo CA. The main reason that makes me wonder it's because I feel my BlackBerry Z10 has been hacked and the Tor Orbot hardly ever works, it works right away on my android phone but I still got the feeling it's not really hiding my connection since I can't connect to several sites, specifically the ones for human rights associations or online security check ups.
Status *New
Priority *Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
Assignee << me >>amoghbl1hansn8fr8Anonymous
Target version Orfox Alpha Orfox Alpha 2 Orfox Beta 1 Orfox GSoC 2016 Orfox RC Backlog
Start date
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% Done0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 100 %
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