Project *Core Apps » Bazaar » ChatSecure:Android » KeySync » Orbot » Orfox Private Browser » Orweb » Secure ReaderCacheWordIOCipherNetCipherPanicTrusted Intents » CheckeyLibreoSpideyStoryMakerâ„¢SecureSmartCam » CameraV (InformaCam Project) » ObscuraCam
Tracker *Bug Feature Task
Subject *
Description I'm Giuseppe from TorrApk, an alternative free Android app-store for free applications. It distributes free apps all over the world, in their .apk file format and can reach a lot of devices that have no access to Google Play. I really like Orfox project and I would like to distribute it's beta app on TorrApk. Do you think is it possible? If yes, can I do it by myself taking the latest release from this repository? Or do you prefer to manage your developer account by yourself? Thank you
Status *New
Priority *Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
Assignee << me >>amoghbl1hansn8fr8Anonymous
Target version Orfox Alpha Orfox Alpha 2 Orfox Beta 1 Orfox GSoC 2016 Orfox RC Backlog
Start date
Due date
Estimated time Hours
% Done0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 100 %
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