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Tracker *Bug Feature Task
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Description StrongItalicUnderlineDeletedInline Code Heading 1Heading 2Heading 3 Unordered listOrdered list QuoteRemove QuotePreformatted text Link to a Wiki pageImage Help(01:13:30 PM) n8fr8: i think the main question at hand is can we / or do we need some portion of the torbutton add-on? (01:13:39 PM) amoghbl1: Since the last news update, I've changes te landing page (01:13:54 PM) amoghbl1: I honestly don't think we do... (01:14:12 PM) amoghbl1: So tor-button seems to handle stuff to do with the tor connection right? (01:18:38 PM) n8fr8: well, aside from that portion, i think it also handles stuff with tab isolation possibly (01:19:01 PM) n8fr8: (01:20:39 PM) n8fr8: 3.2. Major Chrome Observers (01:20:43 PM) n8fr8: seems to be the critical part (01:22:00 PM) n8fr8: i think if we disable all chrome/xul UI components, the rest of the code should be fine (01:22:08 PM) n8fr8: we don't need to offer preferences, buttons, etc (01:26:12 PM) n8fr8: otherwise, amoghbl1, maybe we can ask mikeperry and the tbb-dev team what the most critical portions are and start there (01:26:12 PM) n8fr8:
Status *New
Priority *Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
Assignee << me >>amoghbl1hansn8fr8Anonymous
Target version Orfox Alpha Orfox Alpha 2 Orfox Beta 1 Orfox GSoC 2016 Orfox RC Backlog
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