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convert gradle to modern NDK building
Before starting, this still requires a manual run of: make -C external
ignore Android Studio files
generate to AARs: complete "standalone" and only IOCipher
If an app is using SQLCipher-for-Android already, then that app just needsthe IOCipher libs. If the app is not using SQLCipher at all, then thestandalone version includes the required SQLCipher shared libraries.
generate .pom file for maven repos like jCenter and mavenCentral
also create standard AAR library format for use with gradle/jcenter/etc
use ASCII .asc signatures since they are de facto in Android/Java
strip the "v" from the release tags, so its just the number
This makes script with the version number, as returned from `git describe`a lot easier.
v0.1 --> 0.1v0.2 --> 0.2v0.3 --> 0.3
ignore gradle build products
refs https://github.com/guardianproject/IOCipher/pull/6
remove proguard from build process, it didn't fix the tests
The tests are not running under Jenkis, proguard was an attempt at fixing it
include a gpg .sig in the `ant release` process
ant.properties is no longer needed, android.library=true is enough
attempt to fix tests with proguard tweaks
include binary shared libs that are used only for linking against
In order to build the native parts, they need to be linked against openssland SQLCipher. For deployments, these libraries are provided elsewhere, soinclude binaries in git that are good enough for linking against....
Update .gitignore
spruce up gitignore
ignore products of "android create project" or "android update project"
ignore everything in libs/
generate TAGS for easy C/C++ navigation
ignore libstlport_shared.so
ignore .DS_Store
add external/libsqlfs-build-stamp to gitignore
added skeleton Android project
ndk-build libiocipher from sqlfs.c and sqlite3.c, and linking to libcrypto.so
got libsqlfs building as a static library via external/Makefile