InformaCam Trusted Destination (ICTD)

The ICTD file provides a means for an organization who wishes to receive InformaCam enhanced media, to create an easily distributed file that includes all the necessary information to contact and submit media in a secure manner. It also includes the ability to define organization specific form definitions using the Open Data Kit format.

ICTD files can be bundled in with InformaCam-based applications:

or they can be loaded at runtime through sending as an attachment, downloading from a secure website, or beaming via Bluetooth, among other standard data transfer mechanisms.

Sample Structure


Actual InformCam TestBed ICTD File:

{"organizationName":"InformaCam Testbed","repositories":[{"asset_id":"0B07iVinFhZgqa2tTZXhQdXNXYlk",
"organizationFingerprint":"0E7804B31CCD9C1F179A32039CB5E4893246922E","organizationDetails":"Brooklyn, NY"}