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gnupg-for-android / AndroidManifest.xml @ master

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# Date Author Comment
6eeb09c3 01/26/2015 06:36 pm hans

set maxSdkVersion="20" until this is built with PIE to run on 21

android-21 now requires -pie -fPIE on all executables to run, but PIE was
not supported until android-16.

ed66aed9 01/26/2015 11:33 am hans

bump versionCode to 3020 to give room for 0.3.1.x releases for non-PIE

In case anyone wants to make non-PIE fix releases based on 0.3.1, setting
the version code to allow for that possibility.

be4a9877 05/29/2014 12:26 am hans

add app description to manifest to support p2p distribution

This allows other methods of distributing APKs to also include the
description text, like the FDroid local repo swapping.

1ffccb50 04/04/2014 01:10 pm hans

bump to version code 6 name 0.3.2

b95a0c44 03/13/2014 08:50 pm hans

dismiss install dialog if user navigates away

This dismisses the install progress dialog if the user navigates away while
the install is in process. Otherwise, there will be a crash when the
install is complete and it tries to dismiss the dialog.

fixes #3058

c4322ddd 03/13/2014 08:50 pm hans

bump to version code 5 name 0.3.1

785a8426 03/12/2014 04:27 am hans

set minSdkVersion to 14/4.0/Ice Cream Sandwich

Things are not really usable on android-10, so I figure leave them with a
usable version rather than force an upgrade to an unusable version.
OpenPGP-Keychain supports down to android-9, so that's the best bet for...

9b020eb3 03/11/2014 04:48 pm hans

set version name 0.3 code 4 and release!

3fad2ce4 03/11/2014 01:01 am hans

get file extension associations working on more apps

Based on the comment in OpenPGP Keychain's AndroidManifest.xml:

Do not set mimeType for .gpg! Cyanogenmod's file manager will only show
Keychain for .gpg files if no mimeType is set! For OI Filemanager it makes...
d222bf52 01/17/2014 03:10 am hans

DecryptActivity: add ActionBar back button in case of crashes

Sometimes, something isn't handled quite right and DecryptActivity
stays open instead of just disappearing. This provides an ActionBar back
button to give the user some place to go when this happens.

c85dc6db 01/17/2014 03:10 am hans

FileHandlerActivity: add ActionBar back button in case of crashes

Sometimes, something isn't handled quite right and FileHandlerActivity
stays open instead of just disappearing. This provides an ActionBar back
button to give the user some place to go when this happens.

8a87f685 01/17/2014 03:10 am hans

add SignFileActivity for signing incoming files with default key

There wasn't any way to sign files yet, this is based on the approach of
EncryptFileActivity and just provides a very simple interface to the
signing procedure.

19370e46 01/15/2014 10:38 pm hans

allow "navigate up with app icon" in ActionBar in relevant Activities

Just provides the standard way to get back to MainActivity

879345b5 01/15/2014 10:36 pm hans

port all UI from ActionBarSherlock to android-support-v7-appcompat

The app: thing in the XML files is odd, otherwise it was pretty simple.

closes #1467

a4676c39 01/15/2014 10:36 pm hans

purge useless local keyring search

f6f9225d 01/15/2014 10:36 pm hans

recruit unused KeyListActivity become SelectKeysActivity

It turns out that the built-in Contacts picker cannot handling selecting
more than one contact at a time. This suck for choosing who to encrypt to,
since you can encrypt a file to multiple people. Therefore, we have to...

1001036a 01/15/2014 10:12 pm hans

bump version to 0.3 code 4

31b42b29 01/15/2014 10:12 pm hans

set min platform to android-9/2.3/Gingerbread

Its currently too much work for us to handle supporting older versions.
This relies on a lot of new APIs both in the SDK, like the Contacts
handling, and in the NDK.

Update target to the latest while I'm at it.

d50e8aa0 08/20/2013 02:22 am hans

bump version to code 3 name 0.2.1

0030a0fd 07/29/2013 06:04 pm hans

standardize on camelCase spelling of Gpg in class names

refs #1629

c8bd1c4d 07/26/2013 08:51 pm hans

set version to code 2 name 0.2 for release


fac19f58 07/26/2013 08:49 pm hans

Android's scheme matcher is case-sensitive, add 'openpgp4fpr' variations

Just a few guesses at the most likely variations of case that someone might
think up. Also, it turns out that QRCodes have a special all UPPERCASE
mode which makes the QR Code have less data, and therefore larger blocks...

0d863631 07/26/2013 08:49 pm hans

use targetted mimeType for VIEW catch-all to avoid catching Contacts types

GPG's Contacts integration uses the app-specific type:
FileHandlerActivity should not catch that type, instead ContactIntentRouter...

af244c85 07/26/2013 08:49 pm hans

every Activity should have a label, i.e. 'android:label'

bb242a85 07/26/2013 08:49 pm hans

accept *.bin files, some email clients name PGP attachments that way

refs #1455 refs #1456

bdaa2320 07/26/2013 08:49 pm hans

handle .key file type as application/pgp-keys

On Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 running Android 2.3.6, it converted a .pkr
file to a .key file, and labeled it 'application/pgp-keys'. This happened
in the Gmail app, but Astro File Manager did not know about the .key file,...

aab4eab1 07/26/2013 08:49 pm hans

do NOT set noHistory on Activities that might pop up PinEntryActivity

When noHistory is set on an Activity, it is immediately killed when any
other Activity pops up. In this case, PinEntryActivity will pop up when a
password is needed. When that happens, the noHistory Activities get...

8ae9a154 07/26/2013 08:49 pm hans

add ContentProvider to read from private files, to sent via VIEW Intents

Currently, the data is decrypted to the private 'files' directory inside of
the app. This is better than the SDcard, but it is still writing it to the
disk, which is less than desirable. This is a temporary step towards...

d2d7fa17 07/26/2013 08:49 pm hans

claim openpgp4fpr: URI scheme and launch dialog to receive from keyservers

GPG now registers to handle the 'openpgp4fpr:' URI scheme as a way to
direct OpenPGP 4 fingerprints to GPG for it to handle them. Currently, it
prompts the user to download the key with that fingerprint from the PGP...

312207f2 07/26/2013 08:49 pm hans

for now, route all application/pgp-encrypted data thru FileHandlerActivity

Once the encrypt Activity gets fixed up, this IntentFilter should be in
that Activity.

1f1ccc3d 07/26/2013 08:49 pm hans

add DecryptActivity to handle decrypting anything we throw at it

Currently this only supports file:// Uris, but it is intended to handle
all Uris once we get InputStream/OutputStream support into GnuPGData.

refs #1455 refs #1456 refs #1581

0c41eec4 07/26/2013 08:38 pm hans

make EncryptFileActivity receive files via an Intent

This allows other internal Activities to call it to handle encrypting

refs #1454

3ca443cc 07/26/2013 08:38 pm hans

add basic VerifyActivity to check .sig files

This currently just works with file:// Uris, and probably only files that
come in via the .sig file association in AndroidManifest.xml. This is just
a rough version to get the ball rolling. Once GnuPGData can handle files...

578cc582 07/23/2013 02:08 am hans

route known key files to ImportFileActivity, all else goes to FileHandlerActivity

Unfortunately, this can't all be nice and neat since .asc, .gpg, and .pgp
files can all have multiple contents (keys, sigs, or encrypted data). Also,
since these Activities just serve as data routers, keep them from being...

e5834855 07/23/2013 02:08 am hans

don't add the setup and install Activities to the history

once the user has gone thru them, they should forget they ever existed...

Perhaps we should also remove them from Recents, I'm not sure there.

6e8ec6f9 07/03/2013 01:25 am hans

put all of the single line Activity declarations at top of AndroidManifest

Just trying to make them a bit easier to find.

7a8910d8 07/03/2013 12:34 am hans

handle "Encrypt File To" ContactIntent using the gpg2 command line

This is a first step to getting the full flow working. Right now, its using
the gpg2 tool in a Runtime.exec() call, then just writes out the file next
to the original file to be encrypted. Ultimately, gpgcli should handle...

3f4e6392 07/02/2013 10:31 pm hans

Contacts mimeType should be specific to the action, not the included data

We incorrectly thought that the MIME Type used in the Contacts actions was
describing the data, but it is really supposed to describe the action.
So we renamed it from openpgp4fpr to encryptfileto in the gpg namespace...

9bfb7cf1 07/01/2013 10:46 pm hans

add associations for known file extension to MIME types

I got these from the Free Desktop standards, i.e. looking at my own
machine in /usr/share/mime

82fb14b7 06/20/2013 11:37 pm hans

add PGP's .pkr as a supported file type (refs #1455 refs #1454)

.pkr is the Public KeyRing binary format from PGP

170a0b16 06/20/2013 11:36 pm hans

added intent-filter tricks from vplayer to get more files sent to gpgcli (refs #1455 refs #1454)

It seems that you need to have a bunch of different intent-filters in order
to actually receive the files in all the relevant cases. But there are
still problem spots, for example OI File Manager does not find any app for...

d6fce515 06/19/2013 04:47 am hans

move all Activity subclasses into a single java package

21caee1e 06/19/2013 04:47 am hans

standardize class names, always include 'Activity' if a subclass, etc.

26422f9e 06/17/2013 08:43 pm hans

subclass Application to cleanly handle installing assets (fixes #1358)

It adds InstallActivity to show the ProgressDialog when installing.

This replaces the code that was originally in and was
then moved to MainActivity. Its currently an AsyncTask, but should be...

bf0d2471 06/17/2013 04:56 pm hans

purge unneeded APG Intent test buttons, they're in gnupg-for-android-tests

this basically reverts:
"setup APG Intent test buttons"

0eeebbaa 06/15/2013 03:48 am hans

APG DECRYPT_AND_RETURN Intent (issue #1442)

b337b388 06/15/2013 01:56 am hans

sort permissions for readability

7073115a 06/15/2013 01:56 am hans

add READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE perm to be a good citizen

Some android distros allow you to disable automatic READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
permissions, and require apps to declare READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in order to
read from the SD Card. Since we need that, we should declare that perm.

5ba749d4 06/15/2013 01:55 am abeluck

skeleton for handle actions from the contact app #1438

The ContactIntentRouter catches intents sent from a user clicking
one of our actions in the People app and routes them to the appropriate

There currently are no activities, so it finish()es right away.

89233578 06/15/2013 01:55 am abeluck

launch the fist run wizard when appropriate #1478

this is guaranteed to run after the assets have been installed and
the gnupg context initialized

75c15850 06/15/2013 01:53 am hans

added a skeleton "create key" UI that automatically gets name and email #1460

The context menus should be handled by Fragments, that's not sorted out
yet. Currently the menus pop up, but don't do anything. Also, this is not
yet wired up to actually create a key.

3ac032fd 06/15/2013 01:48 am hans

add craziness to allow file associations for .gpg .pgp .asc and .sig #1455

Thanks Dominik Schnuermann for the example!

dae9cd26 06/15/2013 01:48 am hans

add ContentProvider for searching by keyId and email, similar to APG's #1442

We can't actually make our ContentProvider work for apps that expect to use
APG's ContentProvider because we can't claim APG's permission for this. So
instead, this is just a similar, tho expanded, API.

64eae3fc 06/14/2013 10:05 am abeluck

format AndroidManifest and add some docs to the Auth system

c923c693 06/13/2013 08:51 pm abeluck

implement gnupg keyring -> contacts syncing #1438

This commit:

  • Creates a new account (push the button)
  • Adds a SyncAdapter that writes the gnupg keyring into the contacts list
  • Includes utility classes and xml definitions to make this all possible
764bddca 06/13/2013 08:41 pm abeluck

Add GnuPG account type

With this commit the "Gnupg" account stype shows up under the
Accounts settings page.

43c7d859 06/13/2013 09:50 am abeluck

Use modern dialog API via support lib to show pinentry

The dialog method we were using was using a deprecated API, now it's
using DialogFragment (from the support lib). The styles changes are to
ensure that pinentry appears on top of everything using this fragment method...

b3306c38 06/11/2013 01:18 pm abeluck

implement two-tab pager with Public and Private keylist

eeeeb9ef 06/09/2013 09:26 pm abeluck

resolve pinentry orientation changing issues

we're treating PinEntryActivity as a dialog that once dismissed
(either through back button, or some other event) CANNOT be reactivated.
The fact the pinentry dialog closed is propagated back to gpg-agent.

This mimicks the behavior of pinentry on the desktop, if you kill it,...

d6eb09fd 06/09/2013 08:37 pm abeluck

fix external pinentrys

by using an abstract domain socket instead of a file-backed socket
this is because we can't chown nor chmod for different app uids
without root. we still authenticate using SO_PEERCRED.


df074d20 05/31/2013 09:39 pm hans

Revert "ignore changing in orientation, it causes issues in pinentry"

This reverts commit d7d8c222570528d52b799cf0999681370b9969b0.

the pinentry crashes/zombieing have been fixed, so we can allow rotation

5526c5f8 05/31/2013 02:20 am hans

move version stuff to GnuPrivacyGuard and eliminate GPGApplication

After reading about the class, its not really
intended to be a global state class. It is meant to handle global state
changes, and has a specific API. is currently two...

677cd217 05/31/2013 02:18 am hans

working implementation of encrypt-only ENCRYPT_AND_RETURN APG Intent

4e5d7c63 05/31/2013 02:18 am hans

implement AGP's SELECT_SECRET_KEY Intent using the shared KeyListActivity

d3b9e307 05/31/2013 02:18 am hans

replace old ListKeysActivity with unified KeyListActivity

8693c7c3 05/31/2013 02:18 am hans

setup APG Intent test buttons

5fd587cc 05/31/2013 02:18 am hans

make app receive APG's SELECT_PUBLIC_KEYS Intent

8cd2817a 05/31/2013 02:18 am hans

set target SDK version to 17

d7d8c222 05/31/2013 02:18 am hans

ignore changing in orientation, it causes issues in pinentry

9904f29c 05/31/2013 02:18 am hans

since the NDK setup is min android-8, make android:minSdkVersion="8"

14cce38a 05/08/2013 12:50 am hans

format all XML using the Eclipse auto-formatter (Ctrl-Shift-F)

ded3769e 05/08/2013 12:44 am hans


46a47c15 05/08/2013 12:42 am hans

add SearchKeysActivity to show results of a search of the local keyring

56dbd9e0 05/03/2013 10:51 pm hans

rename services to better describe their function

  • GpgAgentService only runs a local gpg-agent
  • SharedDaemonsService runs daemons that are shared by multiple apps/uids
70a7d1ff 05/03/2013 09:04 pm abeluck

add preferences screen

first setting controls start on boot

f7a7bf67 05/03/2013 06:47 pm abeluck

refactor pinentry into its own service and start it at boot issue #1231

also fixes crash when setting the PATH but NativeHelper.setup() hasn't been called

bab373d9 05/02/2013 07:06 pm abeluck

draw pinentry dialog activity over the existing activity

f4989638 04/19/2013 08:37 pm hans

append GnuPG tools to Android Terminal Emulator's PATH

74966d86 04/19/2013 08:36 pm hans

add a skeleton SEND intent handler for .gpg and .asc files

ddc5414d 04/19/2013 08:36 pm hans

android:targetSdkVersion="16" (4.1.2)

f764e7c8 03/12/2013 09:46 pm hans

let the build tools set android:debuggable

From SDK Tools : ( SDK Tools, Revision 8 (December 2010) )

Support for a true debug build. Developers no longer need to add the
android:debuggable attribute to the <application> tag in the manifest — the
build tools add the attribute automatically. In Eclipse/ADT, all incremental...

deeea5fe 03/06/2013 10:20 am abeluck

Move PinEntryActivity to pinentry package

8fe886b8 03/06/2013 10:20 am abeluck

Be a dialog

db997825 01/29/2013 09:08 pm abeluck

Add the new java activity and cleanup the handler

c12847ba 12/29/2012 06:12 pm abeluck

pinentry: integrate the Android pinentry activity (the gui)

74e9ac3d 10/24/2012 02:06 am hans

add ListKeysActivity as a place to test the gpgme keyring searching

6345dbf1 08/09/2012 07:02 pm abeluck

Change project config to support native code debugging.

49aa7123 03/10/2012 03:05 am hans

include upstream changes for npth and gnupg to get things working on android < 9

60dca6db 03/01/2012 10:44 pm hans

added perms: INTERNET for keyservers, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE for key import/export

c7d1ac6e 02/28/2012 01:31 am hans

set app logo

1bc2bf4b 02/28/2012 12:32 am hans

sketched out a RemoteService for running gpg-agent and dirmngr in

086e29c2 02/26/2012 04:14 am hans

pthread_rwlock_* is required by dirmngr, but was added in android-9/2.3 so up min platform

a4265690 02/22/2012 10:13 pm hans

minimum target: Android 2.2/android-8 because gnupg needs regexp support

ab0d4e6f 02/18/2012 03:21 am hans

rename app from Gnupg to GnuPrivacyGuard/gpg

8a05cb11 02/16/2012 08:13 pm hans

added blank template Android project