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Tracker *Bug Feature Task
Subject *
Description I run a private Openfire 3.8.2 XMPP server. If a new user is added, but is not added to a group, that user and a group member can not initiate encryption/key exchange. They can search, and be added to contacts and communicate unencrypted (red bar), but "Start Encryption" just results in a spinning circle for ever. As soon as I move that new user into the same group, encryption immediately initiates, resulting in a yellow bar, .vs red. Clicking the lock icon allows verification, and upon successful verification (manual in this test case) everything turns green. This is with the latest PlayStore version on both devices.
Status *New
Priority *Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
Assignee << me >>carriestienschrisballingerdbrodchilesdevrandomhansliorn8fr8Anonymous
Target version v14 - Armadillo's Agram v14.2 bug fix update! v14.2.1 v15 - AWESOME APP Backlog
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% Done0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 100 %
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