Project *Core Apps » Bazaar » ChatSecure:Android » KeySync » Orbot » Orfox Private Browser » Orweb » Secure ReaderCacheWordIOCipherNetCipherPanicTrusted Intents » CheckeyLibreoSpideyStoryMakerâ„¢SecureSmartCam » CameraV (InformaCam Project) » ObscuraCam
Tracker *Bug Feature Task
Subject *
Description On a tablet, there is ample space for the chat view and the keyboard. Yet when I press enter on the keyboard, it sends the message and closes the keyboard. This results in the user constantly clicking the input field to reopen the keyboard. On a smaller form factor, I think that makes sense, since you can't see the chat view when the keyboard is open. But on a tablet, it would be nice if it stays open. Note: if i press the send arrow next to the input field, the keyboard stays open, but I find myself hitting enter out of reflex.
Status *New
Priority *Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
Assignee << me >>carriestienschrisballingerdbrodchilesdevrandomhansliorn8fr8Anonymous
Target version v14 - Armadillo's Agram v14.2 bug fix update! v14.2.1 v15 - AWESOME APP Backlog
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% Done0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 100 %
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