Project *Core Apps » Bazaar » ChatSecure:Android » KeySync » Orbot » Orfox Private Browser » Orweb » Secure ReaderCacheWordIOCipherNetCipherPanicTrusted Intents » CheckeyLibreoSpideyStoryMakerâ„¢SecureSmartCam » CameraV (InformaCam Project) » ObscuraCam
Tracker *Bug Feature Task
Subject *
Description device:huawei model:g630-u20 system:Android 4.3 Jelly Bean phone display:5.0 inch Display with HD (1280 x 720) resolution First I've installed succesfully Orbot, than I've installed Orfox, everything is fine and works ok connection with Tor network was ok but the display of the web pages is awful, websites too big for the screensize(left side of webpages impossible to view)even if the zoom was at the minimum the page is too big and cannot display the websites entirely.Hope you can do something to fix it. I'd really want to use both your apps for mymobile device. if you have any advice please contact me:
Status *New
Priority *Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
Assignee << me >>abeluckhansn8fr8vaneveryAnonymous
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