

# Date Author Comment
29eb2a7a 01/31/2017 09:13 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

make-release-build: purge faketime, its troublesome and not useful

5e5b5bf5 01/31/2017 09:07 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

use ASCII GPG signatures since maven repos want .asc not .sig

1933f258 01/31/2017 06:49 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

ignore release build products

e1ad6fb6 01/31/2017 06:48 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

force use the Android SDK still setup for ant builds

09e56b5b 01/31/2017 11:13 am vitriolix

fixing typo in doc, there is no CacheWordHandler.disconnect(), only CacheWordHandler.disconnectFromService()
closes #17

35c8c736 01/31/2017 11:12 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

do not include timestamps in javadoc, for reproducibility

036b734c 01/26/2017 02:21 pm N-Pex

AlarmManager.cancel on null intent will throw when targeting N

62f96bab 09/17/2015 05:22 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

fix gradle compile line in README

caac0a49 09/17/2015 03:43 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

document how to use cacheword JAR with gradle

8f395e9c 06/01/2015 08:58 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

create `ant javadoc` and `ant source` to create all files for jcenter

1f0931d5 04/21/2015 01:13 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

set target SDK for all ant build files

For whatever reason, some people's setups were complaining:

"Error: The project either has no target set or the target is invalid."

9421134e 04/14/2015 11:52 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

bump Target SDK Version to android-22/5.1

89e94529 04/14/2015 11:44 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

first stab at a build.gradle to allow gradle-based projects to use this

closes #5002

5cabcaf8 02/26/2015 01:21 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

simplify release build naming in custom_rules.xml, following IOCipher

71cc4266 11/07/2014 04:07 pm sensen

Remove CacheWordActivityHandler information

Remove all information related to CacheWordActivityHandler from to prevent new user wasting time looking for it. It was
removed since over a month ago, based on

6f0c33fb 11/07/2014 04:07 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

get detailed zip comparison from `zipinfo -lv`

2b46c510 11/07/2014 04:06 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

include hexdump in reproducible comparison

compare jars using BSD's hexdump since it works on GNU and OSX

5f82282f 09/27/2014 02:20 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

make gpg signing optional for build success

b1aa99ca 09/25/2014 05:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

remove jar signature from release, it messes up deterministic builds

No one really checks jar signatures anyway, there is a better OpenPGP .sig,
and the jar signature makes it harder to handle the determinstic build

9b484246 09/25/2014 05:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

compare-to-official-release: script to compare release jars

This allows anyone to test the reproducibility of the build.

6a9066ca 09/25/2014 05:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

put all relevant settings into a single properties file

./make-release-build uses to set up the signing key

2d00cd2e 09/25/2014 05:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

add make-release-build to automate deterministic build process

2196472a 09/23/2014 02:15 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

include Android SDK version and build host OS in jar metadata

f96b738e 09/16/2014 09:47 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

merge all supporting texts into the README

e10d84ad 09/16/2014 08:52 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

nail down `ant release` process

This fixes up the process for creating an official cacheword.jar for
release. It mostly removes the code for making a .zip which was inherited
from IOCipher.

d65d9f7d 09/16/2014 03:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

replace duplicate code with call to getPasswordLockPendingIntent()

58282ce7 09/16/2014 03:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

move getBlankServiceIntent() to CacheWordHandler to unify interface

This means that basically everything that the developer will ever need to
do can happen using CacheWordHandler.

9a18b086 09/16/2014 03:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

purge CacheWordSettings and directly set timeout in CacheWordHandler

This removes the now pointless CacheWordSettings and provides options for
directly setting the timeout in seconds. This changes the meaning of the
non-positive values:

0 = timeout in seconds...

06ad5953 09/16/2014 03:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner


This Intent causes CacheWord to lock, so this name makes more sense.

d6b150ac 09/16/2014 03:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

rename CacheWordHandler.lock() to match CacheWordHandler.isLocked()

Clean up some unneeded redirection while we are at it. If it is ever
needed in the future, it can be easily added back in.

9c598b13 09/16/2014 03:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

improve javadoc comments on CacheWordHandler

CacheWordHandler is the main interface, so it should be well documented.

70afd0d5 09/16/2014 03:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

purge built-in Notification, the app must now provide it

Previously, there was an elaborate, custom framework for customizing the
Notification that was hard-coded into CacheWord. Now, the app must supply
a Notification, and that triggers CacheWordService to run as a foreground...

1a4048fc 09/16/2014 03:29 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

move getApplicationContext() into getBlankServiceIntent()

Since CacheWordService.getBlankServiceIntent() requires a long-lived
Context, move the call to getApplicationContext() into the method itself to
guarantee that it gets the Application's Context.

7d63fcac 09/16/2014 03:28 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

purge CacheWordActivityHandler, its a pointless wrapper of CacheWordHandler

Instead, apps should just instantiate CacheWordHandler and call
connectToService() and disconnectFromService() where appropriate. That is
most likely going to be in an Activity's onResume() and onPause()...

d9d31b47 09/16/2014 03:28 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

move notification icon to sample project

This puts the lib one step closer to only being a jar!

refs #3680

f34309e4 09/16/2014 03:28 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

simplify SerializedSecretsV1 interface to just what is needed and used

The only operations that SerializedSecretsV1 needs to provide is setting up
and instance in the constructor, then getting the info encoded in a byte

refs #3742

a39d6b3b 09/16/2014 03:28 pm n8fr8

remove unnecessary parse() code that throws a NPE

closes #3742

703692c1 09/05/2014 04:58 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

provide example for mounting IOCipher

closes #3692

84eec0fd 09/04/2014 09:27 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

Eclipse insists on exporting these Android ADT things

22c8a74b 09/02/2014 07:57 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

make `ant debug` and `ant release` generate a usable jar file

5acc2808 09/02/2014 07:57 pm n8fr8

fix bug with default value for timeout

closes #11
fixes #3698

c2bc847c 08/27/2014 11:14 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

sort out android-support-v4.jar madness in Eclipse

58238faa 08/27/2014 11:13 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

set sample minSdkVersion="11" to avoid using android-support-v4.jar

642b841b 08/27/2014 11:13 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

ignore all products of `android update` including proguard-project.txt

0db1aa7d 08/27/2014 11:13 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

move test classes into same package as the classes they test

This generally makes it easier to test the classes since the test classes
will have access to all methods/variables that are not declared private.

011e65f5 08/27/2014 11:13 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

move defaults out of XML and directly into the relevant classes

These constants are barely used, and are the only thing left that prevent
cacheword from being distributed only as a jar.

refs #3680

d773d2df 08/27/2014 11:13 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

move SQLCipher helpers to separate library project

This means that the core of Cacheword can be shipped as a simple jar that
only depends on the Android Support v4 jar. Also, for many users, they
will never need the SQLCipherV3MigrationHelper in their project at all...

4baed7c9 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

fix all javadoc warnings and errors

a766fff6 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

set up cachewordlib's manifest for merging, introduced in ADT v20

As of ADT v10 and gradle v0.10, it is possible to put stuff into a library
project's manifest, then have it included into the main project's manifest.
The main project has to add this to its to enable it:...

54ab5883 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

clean up all XML (formatted and removed unused)

dd73b96c 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

bump targetSdkVersion to latest (20)

530db0c7 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

added script for running jenkins builds

0d3ebd02 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

set version to 0.1

fcde24ad 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

fetch-test-report ant target for getting JUnit report to Jenkins

389f1fdf 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

fix all warnings

8bb20232 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

standard script for setting up ant builds

9f5f8056 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

add ant build targets: jar and javadoc

official ways to build the release jar and javadoc files.

a38fbfe0 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

minSdkVersion="9" without spongycastle

refs #3665

e5fd84db 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

replace heavy KDF iteration count function with one based on /proc/cpuinfo

The previous KDF iteration count measuring method took a long time to run
and depended on including spongycastle. In the interest of keeping the
library as minimal as possible, it is good to remove dependencies. In the...

efb0f2b0 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

point to Android SDK for javadoc for android-support-v4.jar

If you have your Android SDK installed at /opt/android-sdk, then this will
make Eclipse automatically use the SDK's docs for the javadoc for methods
from the Support library.

5f77a678 08/27/2014 11:11 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

include static encodeHex() method to purge commons-codec.jar

cacheword needs to have as few deps as possible, so purge this jar. Thanks
to sqlcipher:

8b1994be 08/27/2014 10:26 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

Eclipse: the test/sample projects expect the lib project at "cachewordlib"

a5c253ab 08/27/2014 10:26 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

Eclipse: set libs/ as default jar location

refs #3663

1ac98b76 08/25/2014 08:08 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

update to SQLCipher v3.1.0

refs #3663

87cdf7db 08/21/2014 12:37 am Hans-Christoph Steiner

new IOCipher API eliminates need for IOCipherMountHelper

f979ed9e 08/20/2014 10:19 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

format code using Eclipse code formatter with Android standard config

This makes for quite plain Java style with longer code lines, more or less.

112e0c04 08/20/2014 09:52 pm Hans-Christoph Steiner

run Eclipse imports organizer

727c05b3 06/04/2014 06:58 pm Shawn Van Every

changed encodeRawKeyToStr in SQLCipherOpenHelper to use new String instead of toString

dc23b9e6 05/14/2014 09:00 pm n8fr8

Merge pull request #9 from vanevery/deinitialize


97db8eb2 05/14/2014 08:52 pm Shawn Van Every

Merge branch 'master' of into deinitialize

964eae0e 05/14/2014 08:49 pm Shawn Van Every

Added deinitialize method

c7e86404 05/07/2014 02:23 pm Abel Luck

pass char[] to SQLCipher instead of String. fixes #2253

d162c23b 05/07/2014 02:23 pm Abel Luck

tests: add SQLCipherOpenHelperTest

It also handily tests our callbacks!

4da6d48e 05/07/2014 02:23 pm Abel Luck

readme: document new detach/reattach functions

f6a136a2 05/07/2014 02:23 pm Abel Luck

readme: add table of contents for readability

0b679c97 05/07/2014 02:23 pm Abel Luck

README: explain how to use background services with CW

61cb0690 05/07/2014 02:23 pm Abel Luck

Fix misleading run-time statements. Calibration doesn't take 30 seconds.

2d6d989c 05/07/2014 02:23 pm Abel Luck

DEBUG: debug statements for Courier

adb6b76e 05/05/2014 02:47 pm n8fr8

Merge pull request #8 from vanevery/enable_subscriber_timeout

Added attach and detach methods to CacheWordHandler

3df82ee5 05/03/2014 09:38 pm Shawn Van Every

Added attach and detach methods in cases where connect and disconnect aren't appropriate

1ad64820 05/03/2014 05:47 pm Shawn Van Every

Added boolean in constructor for whether or not to call attachSubscriber on CacheWordService. Not calling this doesn't icrease the subscriber count in the service and allows timeouts to occur even though a there is an active connection.

170fba58 04/07/2014 10:52 am Abel Luck

write default settings on class instantiation

fixes the bug that would occur if settings are read manually
before any setters or getters were called.

2a11fde3 03/28/2014 02:56 pm Abel Luck

change timeout granularity to seconds

the default is still 5 minutes

fixes #3093

224642b3 03/28/2014 02:33 pm N-Pex

Bind reqested when bindService returns true

Signed-off-by: Abel Luck <>

041f9e99 03/26/2014 05:05 pm Abel Luck

document dependency on sqlcipher 3.0.2

e2ef8036 03/26/2014 05:04 pm Abel Luck

update minimum api level in docs

4cf43832 03/25/2014 06:56 pm Abel Luck

document calibration configurability

d38cc3e2 03/25/2014 06:56 pm Abel Luck

test SerializedSecrets v0 to v1 migration

1a38312d 03/25/2014 05:56 pm Abel Luck

suppress several harmless lint warnings

c2114c8c 03/25/2014 05:51 pm Abel Luck

advise use of a thread in the documentation

refs #2252

c65e53a5 03/25/2014 05:51 pm Abel Luck

update tests after KDF calibrator installation

refs #2252

3bee50dd 03/25/2014 05:51 pm Abel Luck

install KDF calibrator

refs #2252

we calibrate the KDF (1) on every encryptAndSave() and
(2) at fetch time if the iteration count is too low.

b169404f 03/25/2014 05:50 pm Abel Luck

add PBKDF2 calibration settings

refs #2252

852696b9 03/25/2014 05:50 pm Abel Luck

use configurable KDF itercount in Serialized Secrets

refs #2252

at this stage however the value is still fixed at 100

0a47eb64 03/25/2014 05:50 pm Abel Luck

implement versioned loading and migration for SS

refs #2252

fc0876e0 03/25/2014 05:50 pm Abel Luck

move SerializedSecretsX dependency to app layer

versioning of serialized secrets doesn't belong in the crypto layer

4e7e2d6d 03/25/2014 05:50 pm Abel Luck

hook up the KDF iteration calibrator

refs #2252

e6197f0d 03/25/2014 12:07 pm Abel Luck

update to SQLCipher for Android 3.0.2

fixes #3123
refs #2884

8af5cfde 03/25/2014 11:47 am Abel Luck

migrate TODOs to the issue tracker

cdee1734 03/21/2014 06:49 pm Abel Luck

add adaptive PBKDF2 iteration calibration function

Currently not hooked up.

Thanks to briar project for the algorithm:

refs #2252

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