Bug #913

storymaker stopped working on upload page

Added by Anonymous almost 5 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:03/25/2013
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


Hope you find more information in the log files.

There is also a useability issue on the publish page, like what is the difference between export and publish? and share? I exported and published and shared my product but status remained not published.

When I press storymaker there is a red square do I still have to press publish as well?

When I press publish I get a rendering popup and the question if I want to open either es media player or videoplayer if I select it, it plays the video but after it has finished I return to the publish at storymaker page but nothing has been uploaded to storymaker cc.

I used nexus 4, android 4.2.2 and cm 10.1

error_log_1364210986016.txt Magnifier (74.7 KB) Anonymous, 03/25/2013 11:37 am

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