Bug #8395

After 8/4 update, Orfox minimizes itself after a few seconds and won't re-open

Added by Anonymous 6 months ago.

Status:NewStart date:08/04/2017
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


Since the last update, Orfox repeatedly minimizes itself after a few seconds. It is still in Android's list of open apps, but clicking on it just opens it for a few seconds before it minimizes again.

I have tried the following, to no avail:
- clearing the app's cache and/or data from Android's Apps settings
- uninstalling the app, turning off the phone for 10 minutes (with the battery in), turning the phone back on, and reinstalling the app

My software and hardware:
- Orfox: Fennec-52.2.0esr/TorBrowser-7.0.1/Orfox-1.4-RC-2
- Orbot: 15.4.2-RC-1-multi-SDK16
- Android: 5.1.1, security patch level 2017-03-01, kernel version 3.10.49, build number LMY47V, software version H34510p
- the phone is an LG Leon, model LG-H345

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