Bug #8195

orfox partly bypasses torbot

Added by tjb 11 months ago.

Status:NewStart date:02/22/2017
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


I would expect Orfox to connect to the internet only via orbot. So I blocked direct internet access with AFWall+. But the firewall logs show Orfox tries to connect to [TCP] and [TCP] The timestamps are scattered all over the day.

Either this is legitimate -- then it should be documented, including firewall whitelist recommendations and consequences for blocking the traffic. Or it is potentially a privacy breach.

The attached logcat coincide with one such connection attempt and may or may not be relevant.

Software: latest Orfox from Fdroid, Android 6.0.1 Slimrom.

2017-02-23-00-00-27orfoxbypass.txt Magnifier (3.6 KB) tjb, 02/22/2017 11:11 pm

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