Bug #6716

Add --input-folder option to CLI

Added by dllud almost 2 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:02/27/2016
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


Currently KeySync CLI has a strange behaviour: it looks for inputs files in the directory passed as --output-folder.
Instead, it should have an --input-folder option and look for input files there.

This is a must have in use cases such as mine, where no smartphone is involved. I had a ChatSecure otr_keystore in my current directory and wanted to convert it to another format. KeySync always complained it couldn't find the otr_keystore file. I had to dig through the code to find out that it was actually looking for otr_keystore in the --output-folder, which is rather counter-intuitive. (With no --input-folder option, I was at least expecting KeySync to look for the keystore in the current directory.)

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